Sunday 22 February 2015

Diner Scene 02/99 (co wrote with Francis and Sam)


2nd lesson of 2nd term at University in Writing for Performance - our lecturer put us into trios (I did this with two gents called Sam and Francis) and given this situation 

'10 years ago, a mean left a small town with another man's wife. Now returned to that town for the first time without that woman. On his return he meets the woman who loved him and still does.

Write six speeches from their first meaning, 

First of all, decide the location. Everybody knows everybody else etc.

Second of all, name the characters.

Third, three speeches, three from each.

It will be highly charged. 

Andy's thoughts:

I don't even remember writing this. It's a bit melodramtic but I suspect it was done in about 15 minutes in class, so it's nice considering that.

Location: - Small Texas Town. Deserted Diner. Sarah works as a waitress here.


God, you've got some nerve turning up here.


And its GREAT seeing you too.


10 bloody years. 10 bloody years. You fucked off with that slag.
All the time you were giving her driving lessons. I never realised
what you were really up to. Did she pass the test? Obiviously I didnt.
And then wht about the kids? Not a note, not a phone call, nothing for
10 years. how do you think I explaiend to them both? Not that you give
a shit. I don't suppose that you cared Beth cried herself to sleep for months
and Dom's always getting into trouble all the time at school, So what the fuck
do you want now?


I'm not here to explain my life to you. I know what you and the rest of this town
thinks of me. Quite honestly, I don't care. I'm here to see my kids, not you.


Your kids, after ten years? They're yours are they? They don't even know you
exist. You've never sent them a card, and I'm telling you now, there is no fucking
way you're not going anywhere near them.


Look, love. I think they're old enough to make their own mind sup. hey're not babies
anymore. I've just come to give you this..

(Hands her a piece of paper)

It's a court order.

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